Photo albums

Over the years, ASIEUR has published a number of thematic photo albums, drawing on a wealth of iconographic material. Mainly intended for friends and contributers of the Foundation, they are not available for sale.

Alain Daniélou et l'Afganistan
Alain Daniélou and Afghanistan
Photographs and paintings by Alain Daniélou
Ballet Chaka en devenir
Ballet Chaka en devenir,
by Maurice Béjart.
Photographs by Jacques Cloarec.
Les Solstices al Labirinto
Solstices al Labirinto
Center d’études Alain Daniélou.
Mezzo Secolo a Colle Labirinto
Mezzo Secolo a Colle Labirinto.
Fifty years of the Centre Daniélou in Zagarolo
On the Ganges Riverbank
On the Ganges Riverbank
Exhibition at the Indian Embassy. Photographs by Alain Daniélou – Shiva Sharan -, Raymond Burnier – Harsharan – and Jacques Cloarec.
Sylvano Bussotti Regie 1980-90
Sylvano Bussotti – Regie 1980-90
“Dietro le quinte” – Photographs by Jacques Cloarec.