Myths and Gods of India. Hindu Polytheism.
- ISBN : 9791092795073
- Number of pages : 644
- Publication : February 15, 2017
- Format : digital book
- Publisher : ASIEUR
- Language : français
- Author : Alain Daniélou
“Faced with the debasement of religious thought that has become purely dogmatic, puritanical and social, not only in the West but in modern India itself, it seems that the rediscovery of a symbolic mythology, of a cosmology that does not separate religion, metaphysics and science, and a greater respect for the freedom to be and to think, which is in fact nothing more than respect for the Creator who invented man, could be the source of this new era that is to succeed the disasters threatening humanity.” Alain Daniélou, “The Myths and Gods of India – Hindu Polytheism”, foreword written on Alain Daniélou’s return to Europe, after twenty-five years of observation and study of Hindu society and religion, ‘The Myths and Gods of India – Hindu Polytheism’ is a reference work for all those interested in Hinduism; a remarkable, precise and didactic book, which provides the essential elements of Indian metaphysics and mythology. The interest of this opus also lies in the point of view of its author, who, after his long stay in India, takes an “uncluttered” look at the West, a look that enables him to establish unprecedented parallels, rich in suggestions for Westerners that disorient their own conceptions.