Alain Daniélou – The Free Spirit
A documentary written and directed by Joël Farges.

Alain Daniélou - L'esprit libre

It’s been thirty years since you left us, and yet you’re still here, and so present that I’ve retraced your steps: Benares, Venice, Zagarolo… And as I pick up the thread of my memories, I understand that you remained a free spirit all your life. A sickly child, you found your freedom in dancing and singing. At the age of 16, you declared yourself a homosexual, much to the anger of your mother, who threw you out of the house. In 1932, at the age of 24, with your friend Raymoncl Burnier, who was 20, in a Ford coupé towing a trailer, you headed for Benares, the heart of the Hindu world. And you would stay for almost 20 years, penetrating the teeming world of Shaivite Hinduism.

Joël Farges